hi! I’m lauren deyenno

Coaching Certifications & Background

  • T. Colin Campbell Certified Plant Based Nutritionist

  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Health Coach

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer

  • NASM Certified Nutrition Fitness Specialist

  • NASM Certified Behavior Change Specialist

  • Beachbody Ultimate Portion Fix Master Coach

  • American Red Cross CPR & AED Certified

Sober since 2019 and fully recovered from disordered eating! I’ve sustained my own 30lb weight loss for over a decade.


I wasn't always the picture of vibrant health you see flexing there in that photo. I've been through it! Not feeling strong, confident, or even remotely comfortable in my own skin. To sum it up, it sucked. By sharing my story, I hope to save you time, frustration, despair, and heartache from a similar path or if you're currently on it, help you find your way off it for good.

The journey

I struggled for years. I had a raging sweet tooth that always felt out of control. It was difficult for me to have just one cookie or donut; I wanted to have six. I would eat heavier foods like pizza and pasta and feel uncomfortably full and then I would feel bad about myself. I also struggled with emotional eating and binge eating. It was an awful, destructive cycle. My weight continually went up and down. I tried it all – the shakes, fad diets, and fat burner pills – but quick fixes never delivered lasting results.

I ended up in a vicious cycle with disordered eating (for years) and after trying everything on my own to break the cycle,  I reached out for help. 


I hired a personal trainer, a nutritionist and a therapist.  Yep, all three. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I was out of ideas and thought, this can’t be it. This can’t be the body and struggles I’m stuck with. There has to be something that works. I began working with each of them to tackle my nutrition, my fitness and my mindset.   My nutritionist helped me to embrace a plant based lifestyle and I slowly began adjusting my meals and habits, increasing more fruits and veggies and decreasing the processed stuff.

My trainer showed me warmth and kindness (Hi, Eric!👋) and made it a lot less intimidating. I was super scared to work with a trainer and he showed me that I was stronger than I realized. He helped me to believe in myself again. His unwavering encouragement when I had moments of doubt helped me find my confidence again. His passion for fitness was contagious and I too caught the bug - I loved how I felt in my body when I was lifting weights and moving in ways I had never tried before.

My therapist helped me work through a lot of food triggers, limiting beliefs and the weight of other peoples thoughts, negative comments and opinions that I had carried around for a long time. I did the work to break free from my disordered eating and discovered a mental freedom that I had never experienced before.

With time and consistency with my new habits, my energy levels soared and my health improved significantly. Feeling stressed around food lessened and eventually became a thing of the past.  Bonus, I lost the weight I wanted to lose! I was piling veggies onto my meals and feeling super satisfied.

Plant based is something that worked well for me - I’ve always loved veggies and I never really enjoyed meat, even as a kid (I have vivid memories of avoiding the ham on Easter Sunday because all I could picture was a pig on the table in my mind), so it was an easy yes for me.

I lost 30 pounds and have maintained it for over a decade! Feeling like completely new human ignited my passion for helping others achieve their own transformations. If my life could change and expand so much just by working on these things, surely I could help others experience this too! People needed to know this information and know how to apply it to their own lives!


Well, you better believe I ran out and got all of my certifications immediately! 😂 I got my first certification in 2012, three years after I began my journey in 2009, and it’s been my passion and immense joy to help others ever since.

With a background in plant-based nutrition, I’m a go-to expert for vegans or vegetarians, but my open approach and broad nutrition education allows me to successfully serve all clients no matter their dietary preferences. There is zero judgment here. (Trust me - you’re talking to the woman who used to eat whole pizzas by herself or 24 Christmas cookies in one go. I get it.) My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself while providing a kind, encouraging and understanding coaching experience. It’s all about what works best for YOU.

I understand that the journey to health has its ups and downs, and that's perfectly normal - that’s part of the process. Together, we'll explore various nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle goals, crafting a plan that's sustainable for you. My goal is to guide you away from the crazy fad diets and yo-yo cycles and towards what truly works for your unique body and helps you achieve your goals. I’ll also share my own personal strategies, methods and tips along the way.

We all deserve to feel amazing and find peace on our plate. You can absolutely become the very best version of you. Your health is too important to let one more day pass you by. Are you ready to dive in and have some fun?

With warmth, support and a ton of dad jokes coming your way,


Coach Lauren