Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. When we make nutritious food choices, we feel good, we feel energetic and we want to move our bodies more. The more we move our bodies, the better we feel, and the better our food choices become. It's a cycle!

Healthy Food Choices = I feel good
I feel good = I want to move my body!
Moving my body = I feel amazing
I feel amazing = I make even healthier food choices!


Conversely, when we eat less nutritious and more processed food, we tend to feel bleh, and we don’t feel energetic or motivated to move our bodies as much. This makes us feel even worse and we can end up getting stuck in this type of cycle:

Poor food choices = I feel blah
Feeling blah= I don’t feel like moving
Sitting around not moving = I feel even more blah and make more poor food choices
More poor food choices = I feel worse


I’ve experienced both of those cycles before and I know what the BLAH cycle feels like. If you are stuck in that cycle, don’t wait to feel motivated to start moving. Sometimes motivation never comes. You could be waiting forever. Take action with 1 movement. Make the DECISION to get up and move. Go walk to the mailbox. Walk around the block. Do 10 squats or 10 push-ups off of the countertop in your kitchen. Practice consistency when it comes to physical activity. Just as you brush your teeth every day and eat food every day, you need to workout every day. You’ll find you tend to feel motivated AFTER you take action (because that’s when we feel better) and not before.

We want to move our body daily and the more activity the better.  The science shows this. 

There are many ways to be active: walking, hiking, running, swimming, cycling, a workout class, a gym session, weight training, yoga class, rock climbing, tennis…begin with whatever you enjoy doing. The more you enjoy it and have fun doing it, the more likely you are to stick with it.

Exercise can be fun - it doesn't need to be a chore. What type of movement do you enjoy doing?  Our bodies were made to move. Set a time to be active. It’s the most important appointment you’ll make for yourself every day. Don’t skip it because you’ll only be cheating yourself. 

Additional Benefits of Exercise:

● Working out will help you to control your weight and lose those extra pounds.
● Exercise will help you reduce your risk of heart diseases.
● Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation.
● During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress, reduce your risk of depression and improve your mental heath.
● Exercise will help you sleep better
● Strengthen your muscles, bones, posture
● Reduce risk of cancers and illness - live longer!
● Being active boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides
● Have more energy

Some Movement Examples:

Walk/Jog warm up 5-10 minutes
Run for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute (repeat 5 times)
Walk cool down 5 minutes

Get outside:
Hike/Bike/Kayak/Rock Climb/Swim - This is a great way to get outside with friends and be active together. Encourage your friends to get outside with you. Fresh air, sunshine and movement works wonders for the soul. Walk barefoot in the grass. Feel the stress leaving your body. Play in the lake or the ocean. We all feel better after spending time outside, so let’s do more of that, together!

Set goals and rewards for fitness:
Add time to your walk each day or set a new mileage goal.

Every week aim to get faster and stronger by increasing time or distance, or lifting more weight.

Focus on building strength, feeling strong, and confident in your body.

Picture yourself as you wish to feel, and focus on that. Every step you take will bring you closer and closer to your vision.

Treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes or new workout clothes when you complete a goal. Reward yourself with self care treats like a spa treatment, pedicure or massage.

That’s me, Photographed by Kylene Cleaver of Leave it to Me Photography


